Friday, October 24, 2008

Sabrina's soccer photos

Sabrina did a great job this year! Although she did have to nurse an ankle injury almost the whole season. :-( She will play again in the spring, along with fastpitch softball.

Homecoming Week!! Megan wins spirit outfit contest!!

Megan's Shirt that she won for being the best dressed for mustang pride in her school! She was so excited. :-)

Sabrina and Megan sporting their Prosser pride!

Megan has a nice cape!!

Megan is SUPERGIRL, little bro Jaden holding her cape. :-)

Ashley was part of a Sophmore class skit that they performed at the Homecoming assembly. She did a great job as usual! She did not get the Sophmore class princess, but the fact that she was nominated was pretty cool, considering she is the new girl. :-)

Jeff will be coaching tonight, we will be playing against Selah, which is also an undefeated team. We just might have some competition tonight!!! FINALLY, we should have some fun.

Hope that everyone is doing well.

Many Blessings to you all!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Balloon Rally!! by Megan Christoferson

On saturday morning me and my family woke up at 6;00am to go see the balloon rally!! here are some pictures,of the balloon rally. On one picture there is a balloon comeing tord us when we are taking a picture.And we all moest got hit it was scairy and when they were bioeing up the balloon it was very cool because when they were smoll they terned in to big and when they went up to bioe fire in the balloon so they can go and there was guy that just tied him self to the balloon my mom did not put a picture on here but I will tell her to so you can see it.All so my mom got to get really close to a hot air balloon and she got some pictures of that.When my brother went to school he got to touch a hot air balloon they did not stop at my school or katelyn and sabrinas or ashleys school and that sucked they probably just go to the littler school because last year i do not know why but they did it .